Enchanted Garden

Some GORGEOUS images from a shoot I was the stylist& Creative Directior on. We had an incredible team including mastermind  photographer Russ Elloway & ROCKSTAR MAKEUP ARTIST & Benefit beauty expert, Alex LaMarsh.
I love how DREAMY & Romantic they are...
Fotos . Russ Elloway
Makeup & Hair . Alex LaMarsh
Stylist / Creative Director . Alicya Blake
Model . Kiersty

Dreamin' on: Summer/Hawaii
Listin' to: Cutsnake making a new track upstairs...
Gnawin' on: Pomegranate (lot's of work)

Tbilisi, My City

Some beautiful stills from the latest film I was the costume designer on Tbilisi, My City. (written and directed by my homie, Nika Agaishvilli). Its the second in a series of beautiful shorts featuring the gorgeous model/actress Sarah Dumont and Mr. badass on a bike with a smooth voice from the heavens, Ron Pearlman riding through Europe free as can be on a bike. The clothes, the dirt, the VIBE?  oh-SO-good....
Threw in some inspiration - Kate n' the Captain, damn sexy beasts.

Sippin' on - Raw cranberry juice n' water
Thinkin' on - What kind of a bike I want
Lovin' on - These helmets I bought (so now I need a bike)

Desert Dremin'

My AMAZINGLY TALENTED friend Duncan Barnes makes yet another magical snippit, this time its of beautiful gathering in the desert.... enjoy.... 
Desert Dreamin' from duncan barnes on Vimeo.

oh Bianca just for the HELL OF IT

Sippin' on: Sav Blanc
Thinkin' on: this upcoming weekend with the ALWAYS lovely Nichole Cordova
Werkin' on: A painting of the top foto in my head....

A Green Story

 So last year I spend a fantastic month working with a wonderful cast & crew as the costume designer for A Green Story, very excited about its release :) here's the trailer....
Sippin' on - coffee
Gnashing on - blueberries (ironically)
Thinkin' on - what I'm going to wear to the premier next month

Dance like Nobody's watching

She's at it again folks, this time in a Mall, all smiles n' sass, my favourite client, Miss Angela Trimbur in all of her glory...


 I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely girls of this talulah in LA a few years back. Had a few cocktails on a rooftop somewhere & saw their fantastically girly, quintessentially Aussie pieces. I have been keeping my eyes on them ever since -I think they have absolutely nailed it with some of these pieces...
Sippin on - COFFEE.
Thinking on - my new recreated sweater creations
Next move - Shoot with the lovely Angela Trimbur


What you see here folks, is the AMAZING Carson Leh's project. He's an incredible designer & bike enthusiast who started out teaching at Woodward, then wandered somehow from treasure-hunting in thrift stores in the North-West of the US into designing shoes in LA, where he found himself to be a bit of a fish out of water. From there, he accidentally created his current passion-project making GORGEOUS bicycle seats using his self-taught craft & seasoned love for classic design of shoe....
Click n' ENJOY!!!
I KNOW you have a hipster friend out there who will PEE HIS PANTS when he sees these. 
I KNOW you have a design-lover who will FLIP THEIR stylish LID when they see these. 
I KNOW you know a shoe-collector who will go: "OHHHHHHHH" when they see these.

Please share this wonderful kickstarter & let's try to get Carson to his goal within the next 60 hours!!!

Gothic nostalgia

Images from a shoot I styled in LA


I fucking love LA when I love it. I love  Nichole Cordova,Thank you LA for a VILD 23 hours. One day, I will tell you all the story via amendment of this post of my "entrance"into this phenomenal madness...... THIS POST IS RELEVANT BECAUSE I AM WEARING AN AMAZING "new" Vintage JACKET. love!
sippin' on: MIMOSAS (@ 1:03am)
thnkin' onL the triple J top 10
UH OH!: I haev a foto shoot in a few hours! haaaahaah :) 

thalente - Bridge to Skate

what a great lil' human .... let's give love... pass this babe's story & video along... let's get this boy a sponsor...
and support the emergence & the PHENOMENAL work of beautiful humans who build SKATE PARKS (like the AMAZING organization BRIDGE TO SKATE). What a beautiful thing; for a kid to push themselves to DO something, &create greatness. THIS IS BEAUTIFUL.

Electric BLUE

This girl has the voice of a super hip, but pained little angel. I hope this guy stays away from her already & some GORGEOUS human swoops her up and loves her so good :) ENJOY this gorgeous preformance...

Charli XCX's makeup in the video reminded me of the Dior Velvet eyes EVERYone is raving about. Tad pricey, but apparently you can get multiple uses out of 'em... the girl showing off her glittery eyes is this cutie pie beauty tip youtuber, AN ABSOLUTE DOLL who gives a step by step tutorial on how-to apply this look. This makes me want to go get dolled up tonight and use A LOT of eyeliner.
sippin' on : cafe con leche
thinkin' on: doing a CLUB NIGHT makeup post soon ;)
listenin' to: Leigh from Bareback DJs makin' a new mix for GDD - I'll post it when it goes up! x